Gather GrowGO……. 
“Set Free has introduced me to a dynamic and Spirit filled and led ministry that goes beyond conventional grounds to reach the lost, hurting and the disenfranchised.  To me, this is one of the places that truly is ‘come as you are with no reservations and be loved.’  Tim has taught the truth without pulling punches and has encouraged me in my walk and life.  I always am encouraged, built, and strengthened in my interactions here and fully accepted.  Tim walks in integrity and encourages all to do the same without condemnation.  I have grown deeper in my walk and stronger, able to step out more in faith and focus more on what Jesus thinks and says of me, rather than the world.  Praise Jesus for Set Free and the ministries in Haiti, Mexico, and here in Prescott as Set Free is a beacon of light and a welcoming place with no reservations.  A place where Grace truly abounds.”
– Tom Bettcher
“I walked into Set Free Center around 3 years ago – broken, addicted, depressed and lost.  I had been using alcohol very heavily for many years and nothing seemed to work long term.  I thought I knew Jesus but I learned through Scripture and through Pastor Tim Parker’s teachings to see Him IN my life differently.  I didn’t understand salvation, forgiveness, and grace.  I didn’t understand committing my life to Jesus.  I didn’t understand that we have salvation, not through our own works, but through the grace of God.  I learned to look at sin as a big deal.  I learned to look at my beliefs regarding sin and my behaviors, versus just modifying my behavior.  When I got to some of the core of my beliefs, I was able to change them.  Because of God’s leading, I immersed myself into the Bible Studies and fellowship at Set Free Center.  I am now more than 2 years sober.  I am totally committed to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.  I actually experience joy and contentment and peace most of the time.  And when I’m not, I know where to go, to the Father who loves me.  Through Set Free Center and Midwest College of Theology, I have earned an Associates Degree in Theology and I am in the middle of working on a Bachelor’s Degree.  I love Scripture – I feel at home when I’m in it.  The Lord poured into me and I am a walking miracle and the gratitude is indescribable.  I give Jesus all the praise and glory.  He poured into me and washed me clean.  He abides in me at all times.  Praise the Lord.”
– Mary Beal